France: Recommended vaccinations
  General recommendation
  Recommendation for specific groups only
  Catch-up (e.g. if previous doses missed)
Vaccination not funded by the National Health system
Mandatory vaccination
1819242535456574≥ 75
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)1
pneumococcal disease2
meningococcal disease3
human papillomavirus infection
HPV (F/M)12
herpes zoster



  2. August 2023: Updated recommendations for pneumococcal vaccination published including policies on continued vaccination for those previously vaccinated with PCV13 and/or PPSV23 see
  3. MenB/MenC/MenACYW vaccination: Recommendations for specific at-risk groups apply - refer to the national immunisation policy document for further information (link provided below)
  5. dTacp-IPV or dTT-IPV if last dTacp-IPV received in the previous 5 years
  6. dTT-IPV every 10 years from 65 years of age
  7. For those who did not receive a dose of pertussis containing vaccine during the past 5 years, a booster with a quadrivalent vaccine (dTacp-IPV) is recommended at the time of the Td-IPV booster at 25 years. For those aged 25 years and above that did not receive a booster dose, catch-up with a dTacp-IPV vaccine can be proposed until 39 years of age. Recommendation to have an interval of 10 years in adults between a documented pertussis and pertussis re-vaccination. Vaccination offered to pregnant women from 2nd trimester and preferably between 20 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. More information available at: calendrier_vaccinal_maj-juin23.pdf (
  8. From August 2023, PCV20 recommended instead of a mixed schedule PCV13+PPSV23 in adults from 18 years of age for individuals at risk. see for more information
  9. 1 dose until 24 years
  10. Two MMR doses in total among individuals born from 1980
  11. Two MMR doses in total among individuals born from 1980. For rubella, one dose of MMR among unvaccinated woman.
  12. Girls and boy catch-up vaccination recommended. Three-dose schedule at 0, 1-2 and 6 months
  13. for further information, please consult:

More information available at:

2023 Vaccination calendar

ROTAVIRUS vaccination introduced into the routine vaccination programme

FLU vaccination recommended for all children 2-17 years. LAIV preferred but in case of unavailability regular flu vaccine to be administered.


1 Jan. 2018: Revised policy for mandatory vaccination. Extended to 11 antigens in childhood for children born from 1 Jan. 2018.
more information on implementation available at


26 April 2016: 2016 vaccination schedule published

Significant changes include:

MEN C: lowering age of dose 1 to 5 months and a dose 2 at 12 months

HPV: Vaccination offered to MSM until 26 years of age. HPV9 recommended in previously non-vaccinated females teenagers and women

- in persons in an at-risk group; identical scheme whether immunocompromised or not i.e. PCV13 followed by PPS23
- revaccination possible with a non-conjugated vaccine after 5 years interval minimum

VARICELLA: recommendations for contacts of varicella cases are specified

BCG: except Guyane and Mayotte (neonatal vaccination maintained), BCG vaccination of at risk children is recommended from 1 month of age. An IDR prior to vaccination is only recommended for those from 6 years of age (other other specific situation)

ALTERNATIVE SCHEME - SHORTAGE: discussed for pertussis combos, HepA, HepB and BCG


26 March 2015: 2015 vaccination schedule published


22 April 2014: 2014 vaccination schedule launched by the French Ministry of Health.
Relevant changes are as follows but please consult the original document for a full description of the recommendations

- Infants: indication that the first dose in infants should be given at 2 months (8 weeks). "8 weeks" was added to esnure that the first dose is given as early as possible.

- Adults:
for those who did not receive a dose of pertussis containing vaccine during the past 5 years, a booster with a quadrivalent vaccine (dTacP-IPV) is recommended at the time of the Td-IPV booster at 25 years.
For those aged 25 years and above that did not receive a booster dose, catch-up with a dTacP-IPV vaccine can be proposed until 39 years of age.
Recommendation to have an interval of 10 years in adults between a documented pertussis and pertussis re-vaccination.

- Cocooning strategy
One dose of dTacP-IPV in adults not previously vaccinated or not vaccinated since childhood
One additional dose of dTacP-IPV if last dose for more than 10 years if new cocconing environment.
Interval of one month between a dTIPV and dTacp-IPV vaccination (previously 2 months) a été

- For those in professional environement requiring to be vaccinated against pertussis, recommendations of pertussis vaccination includes those caring for children at parents home and those with regular baby sitting activities.
Booster doses with dTacP-IPV vaccines are recommended at 25, 45 and 65 years of age

Both marketed HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) can be given in a 2-dose schedule with a 6-month interval between doses at the age of 11-13 years (gardasil) or 11-14 years (Cervarix)

Recommendation for the vaccination regimen (2 doses) to be completed by 18 months of age.


19 April 2013:
A simplified vaccination schedule for France issued with the aim to:
- ensure optimal protection at all ages with only the required number of doses
- ensure the schedule is easier to read and remember, and therefore facilitate implementation.


Healthcare workers: BCG, diphtheria, tetanus, polio (compulsory); hepatitis B, typhoid (compulsory if exposed - as determined by the occupational doctor); influenza; pertussis (recommended); varicella, measles (recommended if not immune)
Family members living with a new born (mother, father, siblings): pertussis (cocooning strategy - if last dose of pertussis vaccination was given >=10 years before)
People >65: influenza vaccine (people with chronic diseases to prevent from complications)
Pregnant mothers: influenza vaccine
People exposed to sexual or blood transmission: hepatitis B vaccine
High risk group >2 years: pneumococcal vaccine (immunocompromised or with a chronic disease increasing the risk)

For list of detailed recommendations for the individual diseases, please refer to (in French)

2021: The extension of HPV vaccination to boys aged 11 to 14 with catch-up vaccination for those aged between 15 and 19. This recommendation is applicable since January 1, 2021.


August 2023: change to the pneumococcal strategy for at-risk groups. PCV20 recommended


Date of last update: 12 April 2024