- vaccines only given on specific indications
- Vaccination offered to pregnant women (one dose each pregnancy).
- catch-up possible until 6 years if previous recommended doses were missed
- Girls and boys vaccination offered in schools and governmental immunisation centres.
9-valent. Two-dose schedule at 0 and 6 months.
- Vaccines only given on specific indications.
- 2 doses at 24 and 30 months of age
More information available at:
Recent changes to the Cyprus childhood vaccination schedule
1. MMR is recommended at the age of 12 months instead of 13 (12 -15 months)
2. Introduction of a 2+1 schedule for PCV, that is: 2 months, 4 months and 12 months (12 – 15 months for the 3rd dose)
3. Varicella vaccine is recommended at the age of 12 months instead of 13 months with the second dose at the age of 4-6 years instead of 11-12 years.
4. The recommendation at the age of 11-12 years for Hepatitis B vaccine for those not been vaccinated earlier was removed.
Measles, mumps and rubella:
1972: Rubella vaccine recommended for girls aged 11-12 years.
1974: Measles vaccines became available in Cyprus.
1979: Measles vaccine recommended in children 15 months of age
1989: Combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine introduced into the national vaccination schedule. Vaccination recommended at the age of 15 months.
1999: Recommended age for first dose of MMR lowered to 12-15 months. Second dose of MMR introduced at 5-6 or 11-12 years.
2003: National Plan for the Elimination of measles and congenital rubella implemented.
2005: Polio immunization schedule has been changed in July 2005 (Ministerial Decree 15 July 2005) with shift of the fourth dose of IPV from age 3 years to 5-6 years.
2002: Polio immunization schedule has been changed in August 2002 (Ministerial Decree 18 June 2002) with elimination of OPV and use of IPV for all the doses of the vaccination cycle.
2005: Introduction of Pn7v, MenC and Var (dose given at 1-2 years) into national childhood vaccination schedule for selected groups only.
2016: HPV vaccination introduction in schedule. Female, 2 doses. School-based vaccination programme. vaccination also available through Governmental immunization centers
Date of last update: 12 April 2024