- https://www.mh.government.bg/bg/novini/aktualno/nacionalen-plan-za-vaksinirane-sreshu-covid-19-v-r/?fbclid=IwAR1xtwkQGiTub7t4F7EheRqEm2gz7QUUYvBOmhpGbFMZeVp0GD3AdSpzTlc
- https://www.mh.government.bg/bg/covid-19/informaciya-otnosno-noviya-koronavirus-2019-ncov/
- Administration after 48 hours from birth.
- Only after negative Montoux test
- Booster dose after negative Montoux test
- Not earlier than 12 months after the 3rd dose
- Administration within 24 hours after birth.
- When using a monovalent vacine, doses are administered at 1 and 6 months
- When using a combination vaccine (e.g. hexavalent vaccine), doses are administered at 2, 3 and 4 months
- Not earlier than 6 months after the previous dose
- Girls-only vaccination offered. HPV vaccination is free of charge but voluntary and not included in the National mandatory Immunisation schedule but as part of the National program for primary prophylaxis of cervical cancer 2021-2024. 2 and 4 valent vaccine administered.
More information available at:
1969: Measles vaccine introduced in Bulgaria
1969-1971: Catch-up campaigns, targeting all children from 1 to 8 years of age without history of measles infection
1972: Measles immunization became universal in Bulgaria
1972-1982: Routine immunization with one dose of measles vaccine at 10 months of age or slightly older
1976 & 1981: Follow-up measles immunization campaigns for 2-14 year old children and 2-6 year old children regardless of their vaccination status
1983: Universal measles immunization with two doses of measles vaccine
1983-1985: Routine immunization with two doses of measles vaccine:
1st dose at 12 months of age
2nd dose at 4 years of age
1986-1992: Routine immunization with two doses of measles vaccine:
1st dose at 12 months of age
2nd dose at 24 months of age
1992: Follow-up measles immunization campaign for 12-14 year old children regardless of their vaccination status
1993: Introduction of combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine into the national vaccination schedule: 1st dose given at 13 months of age
1993-2000: Routine immunization with two doses
1st dose (MMR) at 13 months of age
2nd dose (monovalent measles vaccine) at 12 years of age
2000-2001: Introduction of MMR vaccine into national vaccination schedule for the second dose at 12 years of age.
Since 2001: Routine two dose immunization with MMR vaccine
1st dose MMR at 13 months of age
2nd dose MMR at 12 years of age
1988: Monovalent Rubella vaccine introduced in Bulgaria. Selective vaccination program offered the vaccine to girls ages 16 to 18 years in selected districts
1989-1991: Routine vaccination of 13-15 year old girls with one dose of monovalent Rubella vaccine
1992-2000: Routine vaccination of 12 year old girls with monovalent Rubella vaccine
1993: Combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine introduced in Bulgaria for the first dose at 13 months of age to girls and boys
1993-2000: Routine immunization with two doses
1st dose (MMR) at 13 months of age
2nd dose (monovalent rubella vaccine) for girls at 12 years of age
Since 2001: Routine two dose immunization with MMR vaccine
1st dose MMR at 13 months of age
2nd dose MMR at 12 years of age
1972: Monovalent Mumps vaccine introduced in Bulgaria
1972-1975: Gradual coverage with one dose monovalent Mumps vaccine of all children ages 1 – 12 years without history of mumps infection
1976-1981: Routine one dose immunization with monovalent Mumps vaccine for all children at 12 months of age
1981: Mumps immunization campaign with monovalent Mumps vaccine, targeting children ages 4-12 year
1982-1986: Mumps immunization temporarily interrupted
1986-1987: Mumps immunization catch-up campaign with monovalent Mumps vaccine targeting all children up to 5 years of age without mumps history
1987-1992: Routine one dose immunization with monovalent Mumps vaccine for all children at =14 months of age
1993: Introduction of combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine into the national vaccination schedule: 1st dose at 13 months of age
1993-2000: One dose of MMR vaccine at 13 months of age
Since 2001: Routine two dose immunization with MMR vaccine:
1st dose MMR at 13 months of age
2nd dose MMR at 12 years of age
2010: Routine immunization with four doses DTaPIPVHib vaccine:
1st dose DTaPIPVHib at 2 months of age
2nd dose DTaPIPVHib at 3 months of age
3rd dose DTaPIPVHib at 4 months of age
4th dose DTaPIPVHib at 16 months of age (not earlier than 1 year after receiving the 3rd dose)
One dose DTaPIPV at 6 years of age
One dose of Tdap at 12 years of age
Routine immunization with three or four doses Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine
1st dose Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine at 2 months of age
2nd dose Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine at 3 months of age for children born until 31.12.2019
3rd dose Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine at 4 months of age
4th dose Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine at 12 months of age (Not earlier than 6 months after the 3rd dose or after 2nd dose for those born from 01.01.2020)
Date of last update: 31 Jan. 2024