- Risk group vaccination of dT for pregnant women
- contacts from outbreaks of measles, mumps, rubella and flue, regardless of age
- https://vaccinare-covid.gov.ro/
- Administration during the 2-7 days after delivery
- Vaccination during pregnancy
- Within 24 hours after birth. In the event that the vaccine against Hepatitis B is not available, a different schedule applies for babies born of HBsAG positive mothers. More information available at: http://www.cnscbt.ro/index.php/calendarul-national-de-vaccinare
- Girls-only vaccination recommended. Two-dose schedule administered 6 month apart. 9-valent.
More information available at:
Measles, mumps, rubella:
1979: Measles vaccine was introduced into national children vaccination schedule for children 9-11 months of age.
1994: Second measles vaccine dose was introduced into national children vaccination schedule for children 6-7 years of age (first school grade).
2002: 1st April first measles vaccine dose was moved from 9-11 month to 12-15 months to prepare for MMR introduction.
2003: Rubella vaccination was introduced into national children vaccination schedule for girls aged 14-15 years.
2004: MMR 1 was introduced into national children vaccination schedule for children at 12-15 month of age.
2005: October, MMR 2 was introduced into national children vaccination schedule for children at 6-7 years of age (first school grade).
2015: Change to the primary infant series. Moving to a 2, 4 and 11 months schedule for DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB instead of a 2,4,6 and 12 month schedule. introduction of hexavalent vaccines.
Other vaccines:
2008: From October 2008, DTaP replaced DTwP and IPV replaced OPV. Both DTaP and IPV receommended as a combined quadrivalent vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months. DTaP recommended at 4 years of age replaced DTwP given at 30-35 months of age.
2010: From January 2010, the quadrivalent vaccine DTPa-IPV was replaced by the pentavalent vaccine DTPa-IPV-HibV.
Date of last update: 16 Jan. 2024